Our 2013 Avalon Journey was amazing! 13 of us created an enormous Chalice of Love. We celebrated the 7th Annual Bee Ceremony in the magnificent Avebury stone circles in a colorful, musical, and powerful afternoon on the Full Moon Eclipse with about 100 people. That full moon evening we were at Stonehenge for a ceremony with the beautiful crystal bowls and gongs played by our alchemist sister, Catherine Gaze, affectionately, and spiritually known as Merlina.
2013 Group at Michael’s Tower on The Tor, Glastonbury
“Wow. The Avalon Journey. What can be said – it must be felt. Oh, the places we have been. Oh, the sacred space that has been created for this journey – for us, and for all – by Jewels and Elizabeth, our guides. In the last 4 days, I have experienced lifetimes of joy, synchronicities, LOVE, and great shifts in energy. I have released burdens, experienced healing, and feel so open to possibilities. I can’t believe there are 6 more days to go!!! Onward, Avalon Journey. Thank you, Elizabeth and Jewels.”–Rachel G. (Sedona, AZ)
Dawn, Suzi, Joanne & Rachel at Chalice Well
“Jewels and Elizabeth from Sedona created a beautifully flowing tour through Avalon for our group in May 2013. Jewels has a sister-like energy who understood the lands and ley lines and passionately explained many things going on out there that I didn’t understand. She brought in spontaneous Magdalena channeling throughout our tour, which was really cool and also made sure we had good snacks on the bus.
Elizabeth emits a calming and unconditional loving energy, like Mother Earth, which prevented any stress on the tour because she is a true Libra who keeps things in balance naturally. She taught us a lot about the crystal skull energy which she knows deeply because she brought her crystal skull called HeartStar who sat in on most of the ceremonies she led the group into, through and around. Would go again; it’s been a great get-together tour for me and my girlfriends.” Deborah P. (Sedona AZ)
Suzi on The Tor
“If you are looking to opening your heart and creating a space of peace and freedom within yourself, Avalon Journey awaits your deepest inner self. Elizabeth Heartstar and Jewels Maloney are a true duet sisterhood, who gracefully share their wisdom and knowledge of the land in sacred ceremony throughout the tour. We had so many incredible interactions with Elizabeth’s friends. Meeting these people and feeling them as such dedications to Mother Earth, I see myself in them and know that I too am a blessing to the planet.
During this wonderful journey, I have been able to look deep inside my inner core and break negative patterns that I have been carrying for 45 years. I feel a huge sense of gratitude that these lessons did not have come painfully like so many big lessons of my past. Instead, they came with ease with and grace (and sometimes through joy and laughter). I feel more connected to our loving planet and my friends (new and old) that took this journey with me. It feels that we will forever share a bond that cannot be broken.” Suzi H. (Sedona, AZ)
Kathryn at Stonehenge
“Many have asked us about our journey and my eyes well-up with tears as I try to relive and describe, in our non- illumined language, the experiences of a collective gift of giving and receiving through trusting the Light of All Ages. Describing the deep profound love that carried and still carries me through our journey fills my heart with great joy and giggles in my memory. No doubt, in my mind, We Are Love! We chose Love. We brought Love. We received Love. I am so grateful.
Mark and I have a new level of love in our relationship because of all the love you shared with us…Thank You. We also have a new art piece! We received a “best wishes” card in the mail from Ted. We opened the tube in which the canvas was packed, outside in front of Thunder Mtn. and Stupa energies, and sent Blessings to the artist and the desire to transmute any energies that are not of the most benevolent of outcomes…All feels good. The piece is lovely. Again, I am grateful. Mark says that he is as well…
I will carry each of you with me forever. I am grateful for this work. I Am in loving awe of Elizabeth, Jewels and Kathryn, our guides, and of the Energies of the journey.
No time, No space, No separation…Only Love. Blessed Bee…”
Much Love, Gratitude & Blessings to all, Christie from Sedona, AZ
Mark & Christie in Glastonbury
“Hello Bee Loved, My Avalon Journey experiences are still so profound that I can hardly get words to begin to describe the magic at all levels of my being. The love that was shared was simply beautiful. The healings – amazing and so affirming of the power of Love and of the Universe. Magnificently magical.For me, everything was just as it was supposed to be – Divinely Inspired. I look at it as a Hero’s Journey – the basic mythological pattern. The “rough spots” are the “battles” and are what adds the richness to the texture of the entire journey. As the ancient priestesses overcame cold, I also tried to embrace each “obstacle” as a gift and an opportunity. (I am a work in progress..smile)
Keeping with that same model, I have returned home with a huge bag of treasures. I am savouring the unwrapping of each of them and still feel held my all of your hearts. I feel the continual ripple of energy that was spun as we did our “work” together at the sacred sites. The Bee Ceremony and our time in Cornwall/Tintagel is also reverberating out into Infinity on a beam of Love.
I am full of gratitude for each of you. Elizabeth and Jewels – THANK YOU! Mere words just aren’t enough. I have never written poetry, but it flowed into me and out of me while on our bus ride. Here’s one:
Avalon Path
A Call of my soul from long ago
Revisit to refresh to reignite
Kaleidoscope of memories
Passion and connection
All is One as One is All
A Simple knowing
Allow the flow
Take it all in
Let it go
Be here
Love and more Love! ~ Bonnie from Cape Cod
Bonnie & Christie at the Chalice Well
“Blessings corazon!!!! Blessings from Dubai!!! I feel blessed !!! Spending 10 days with the group, Elizabeth, you and all the other divine souls gave me a feeling of clarity, purpose and infinite possibilities!!!!
I am unstoppable NOW!!!!!……Watch out world….here I come!!!! I send you lots of love, divine light and an infinite sea of abundance!!!
I am grateful and I feel blessed and honored by the group, places, energies and the outcome of our journey. We join the group under different circumstances or vibrations and we emerged as One !!!I guess it is true….”
Love is all there is”!!! Blessing and much light !!!!”
Claudia from Dubai
Jewels, Claudia, Joanne, Elizabeth in The Glastonbury Abbey
Dear BeeLoveds:
I am now just “landing” from this deeply Blessed and powerful journey and am filled to the brim with Gratitude, Wonder, and Awe at how changed I feel. I thank and bow to each and every one of you Beauties for BEEing who you are in all your magnificence and offering your Selves and Love Blessing threads to this weaving of I call Grace.
I too would not change a thing – even those not-sometimes-so little details that brought up for examination areas of irritation and/or “forgetting” to just be and notice the magnificence that every moment offered for drinking. One was walking the streets of Glastonbury very early on that very first morning – way before any ( physical) doors were open .. and to enter into a time/space that held centuries and realities of experience. It was awesome. Even if I didn’t find my sought-for espresso 😉 ( one of those little details ;- Another – all the places with the sacred waters wherein I had the opportunity to immerse my feet in offering, reverence and gratitude.
Another – an angel card for Patience – : Surrending to the serenity of the moment. Another – Lydia showing me a ritual for my new little sword. Another – full and abundant life in the creek leading to Nectan Waterfall – creeks are truly my favorite water places and this one filled me up. Another – standing on the edge (not too close ) just gazing and feeling the ruins of Tintangel Castle — deep memories lie within, I am feeling.
There were so many, I couldn’t possibly recount it all but by writing a book ! Know you were each and every one part of the story and I thank you. New friends, a few deep connections renewed and rediscovered across lifetimes journeys, reconnecting with sisters in Avalon…( including Carole Isis, whose lovely voice I am listening to now as I write).
What an honor to bee with all of you as we called in with ceremony, sound, voice and intention the Presences for Healing and Reunion, for the waters, for our Mother Gaia, our Beautiful home, for all sensient Life, for that which extends out into Galactic connections, for the One, our Source. For NOW and until we meet again, I send Love, Light, and Blessings to you all.
Grace from Oregon
Grace at St. Nectan’s Glen, Cornwall
There was so much shared, and so much to share! This is but a tidbit of the Sacred Journey we all co-created.
HeartStar in the Red Spring, Chalice Well, Glastonbury
FROM ELIZABETH AND JEWELS on the Avalon Journey 2013
“Our group experience was the best ever. I am so grateful to each of you and for all we shared together, and will continue to share. Your beauty love, light and healing energy is beyond words, thank you. We did a lot to help in healing so much of the old stuck energy, and for the many women and men, those wise healer woman and men, witches and nuns who needed release. Their energies have been now been freed. We expressed and created the Light of Avalon, once again. This pilgrimage has enriched my life. I Love You all and I am grateful to You, Elizabeth HeartStar Keller
Elizabeth, Suzi, Rachel & Christie in Stonehenge
“I learned so much on this Journey, besides all the feelings of bliss, beauty and awesomeness of the group as a whole and each individual soul in it – the feelings of blessings between us all circling round and round and round was profound – I could feel the enormous Chalice Of Love and Light we created together with such ease and joy and unity consciousness as well as our own unique beauty and gifts being brought to the Round Table! I too felt we did some big-time light-working together, and with such laughter and joy. I havn’t laughed sooooo much – maybe ever – or maybe since my grandfather was alive! It felt fantastic to laugh so much.
One of the things that has really changed me were all the healings that happened, instantly. It opened a new door in my own healing work, and now I expect that anyone can heal instantly. I also learned alot from me and Claudia using Acccess Consciousness to clear the British thought-form that all bank holidays are yukky weather, and then the sun shone so brightly the next day for the Bee Ceremony, which was so precious and profound. This, again, showed me that we can shift reality instantly with pure intent and love.
I fell in love with all our British friends, and thank you so much Elizabeth for creating this weaving of amazing Masters of Light – our group and our British friends together weaving magic, beauty and love. Please give deeply heart felt thanks to each of them – Catherine, Celia, Lorye, Thelma, Yuri, Thalia and Lydia, Dave and Bea…….. What a JOY!
One other thing that I received from the Pilgrimage was the realization of the ascended state of being I am now living in. I feel very grounded and very present, and at the same time feel I am moving through my life, my moments in a sublimely light way – truly just flowing through the moments with all interactions, all creative work, everything – I am noticing it home in Sedona too – and I realize that it is another level of ascension. I believe it was the group love that we all created that moved me to a new level of ascended beingness and living, and I AM Grateful! xxxxxoooooo’s to All of Us!”
~ Jewels